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Janina Ottma

I write freelance for the BOOK Family. I contribute my many years of experience in online editing and content marketing to PETBOOK in the form of creative and well-founded content in a wide variety of formats. I have a big heart for animals – especially for those that have a rather bad reputation.

Girl holding a dead bird in her hands

Native wild animals Why you so rarely see dead birds

Why is it so rare to see a dead bird? PETBOOK spoke to an expert and explains the reasons as well as how to protect them.
Cat gets into the litter box

Purchase, cleaning, location Expert gives important litter box tips

If you want to buy the right litter box for your cat, you should pay attention to certain features - PETBOOK gives tips from an expert.
Birds dream

Study shows What do birds dream about?

In a recent study, a team of researchers at the University of Buenos Aires has made the dreams of birds audible for the first time.
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