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Dr. rer. nat. Saskia Schneider

Managing Editor

Dr. Saskia Schneider holds a doctorate in biology. During her studies at the Freie Universität of Berlin, she focused on zoology and animal behavior. In addition to training as an editor, she completed training as a behavioral consultant with a focus on cats at the Academy for Applied Animal Psychology and Animal Behavior Training in Switzerland. She is always accompanied by her Pomeranian Yumi - in her home office, her two cats Nairobi and Sweety also support her in her work on the articles. Immer mit dabei ist Zwergspitzhündin Yumi - im Home-Office unterstützen sie zudem die zwei Katzen Nairobi und Sweety bei der Arbeit an den Artikeln.

Gray tabby cat bites a hand

An underestimated danger The cat has bitten! What to do now

Not only cat owners, but even doctors, underestimate the seriousness of being bitten by a cat. PETBOOK explains how to respond.
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