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Ideal for families

Cat breeds that are particularly child-friendly

Turkish Angora
The Turkish Angora has a unique look and likes to be kept busy Photo: Getty Images
Freelance Author

July 20, 2024, 6:22 am | Read time: 4 minutes

Growing up with pets is a wonderful experience for most children. They form a deep bond with the animals and can learn a lot about the needs of other living creatures. Many cats also appreciate living with children, especially if they experience this from a young age. Read on to find out which cat breeds are considered child-friendly.

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Every cat is an individual. Whether a domestic cat gets along well with a child depends, among other things, on the experiences it has had so far. A pedigree cat that has already lived with children at the breeder often has no problems dealing with little children. However, if an older cat has had bad experiences with children in the past, for example, having its tail pulled, this affects their compatibility. Nevertheless, there are some cat breeds that have a very child-friendly nature. PETBOOK introduces them to you in more detail.

6 cat breeds that fit in well with families

A child-loving cat that can cope well with loud noises and lots of exercise can enrich a family’s life immensely. These cat breeds are recommended for families because they are especially child-friendly.

1. The Ragdoll

Its friendly, relaxed character makes the Ragdoll a good playmate that feels at home in a family. This large, powerful cat breed is (almost) unperturbed by anything and usually fits into family life without any problems. It may be called a “rag doll”, but it is, of course, not a living toy. Parents should therefore always keep an eye on their (small) children when they are cuddling the fluffy Ragdoll.

Ragdoll sitzend
Males of the Ragdoll cat breed grow to a similar size as Maine Coons, but do not weigh as much

2. The Maine coon

The Maine coon is a large, powerful, yet gentle cat. It is generally considered to be outgoing, affectionate, and patient, which makes this cat breed a child-friendly family member. But this is not the only reason why this noble breed has many fans — Maine coons also draw interest with their wild appearance: they have a long, bushy tail and striking ear tufts. As “gentle giants”, they are a great addition to a family’s life.

Maine Coon: Katze auf dem Boden
The Maine Coon originally comes from the USA and is considered an intelligent cat. Weighing up to 12 kilograms, it is definitely one of the heaviest cat breeds.

3. The British Shorthair

As a sociable, easy-to-care-for cat, the British Shorthair is not only suitable for beginning cat owners, it is also suitable as a purring roommate for families. This child-loving cat generally gets along well with children as well as with other animals living in the household. It is extremely rare for a British Shorthair to hiss, scratch, or bite. They usually stay close to “their” humans and like to be cuddled.

Eine Britisch Kurzhaar mit dem charakteristisch grauen Fell
British Shorthair cats not only look classy, they are also very popular pets with families with children

4. The Burmese Cat

This is an oriental cat breed originating from what is now Myanmar. The Burmese cat is a curious, lively companion and usually gets along well with children. It forms a close bond with its owners and loves to play and cuddle. Due to its spirited, fearless character and its “talkative” nature — Burmese cats meow quite a lot — it is well suited to a turbulent family household.

Eine junge Burma-Katze liegt entspannt im Arm ihres Halters
The Burmese cat usually has light point markings and a narrow face. They are also quite people-oriented and friendly.

5. The Siamese Cat

The Siamese cat also does well as a family cat, although it prefers older children. As it is quite sensitive to noise, this breed is less suitable for babies, noisy toddlers, or particularly wild kids. However, for responsible children of primary school age and above, this slender, intelligent cat is a great playmate, patiently and persistently chasing feather dusters and toy mice. However, the Siamese cat needs a permanent caregiver it can rely on, especially in households with lots of children.

Ein Siamkatze liegt entspannt auf einem Bett
Siamese cats are easily recognized by their large sideways ears and extremely narrow muzzle

Also interesting: This is what happens when the baby is suddenly attacked by the cat

6. The Turkish Angora

The Turkish Angora also has a strong urge to move and play. It therefore generally feels at home in a family with children, making it a child-friendly cat breed. However, you should also plan regular play sessions with them so they don’t get bored. They are intelligent and like to play hide-and-seek. They are compatible and also get along well with other cats or dogs.

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