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Cat jumps for a toy fishing rod

Acrobats on four paws How high can cats jump?

PETBOOK reveals how high cats can jump, the physical performance behind it and which cat breeds are particularly good at jumping.
A cat licks the bare feet of a woman

Behavior explained Why cats lick sweaty feet

Some cats enjoy licking people's feet, especially when sweaty. They are seemingly attracted to the smell of cheesy feet. Why may this be?
The claws of a relaxed cat that is lying in your arms should be trimmed

Paw care Should you cut your cat's claws?

Whether you should trim your cat's claws is a matter of debate. Claw care can be useful and this is how to train it.
A poster shows a missing cat

Missing What to do if your cat has escaped

Many people are familiar with this situation: your cat hasn't come home for a long time. PETBOOK shares what to do if your cat has escaped.
Gray tabby cat bites a hand

An underestimated danger The cat has bitten! What to do now

Not only cat owners, but even doctors, underestimate the seriousness of being bitten by a cat. PETBOOK explains how to respond.
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