February 8, 2025, 8:32 am | Read time: 7 minutes
They run over keyboards, hit the screen, or knock over the coffee cup – cats can be a real pain in the home office. PETBOOK editor and cat expert Saskia Schneider reveals why the animals often drive their humans crazy and what can help.
As soon as the meeting starts, the cat pushes itself in front of the screen, types cryptic messages to colleagues as it runs across the keyboard, and then lies down on the documents with relish. Many people adore their pets, yet cats can sometimes be quite a nuisance in the home office. Loud meowing, scratching, throwing objects – it all happens just when you actually want to concentrate on your work. However, there are certain reasons why many cats exhibit these behaviors and become annoying when their humans are working from home. PETBOOK reveals what can stop your cat from disrupting your home office.
Cats Want Attention
The main reason why cats are annoying when working from home is attention. For our pets, it seems like we suddenly have more time to spend with them. Especially when you first start working from home, cats are very curious at first. After all, what we do differs greatly from our usual daily rhythm. This can even unsettle some cats.
However, most animals simply take the opportunity to receive extra attention from their humans – usually with success. At first, we think it’s cute when our cat visits us in the office. However, this can quickly lead to behaviors that are less than desirable because cats like to demand attention – either with loud meowing or by throwing things off the table.
Cats Are Under-Stimulated
One reason our cat may demand attention so persistently in the home office is that it may not be sufficiently stimulated. Cats do not require constant engagement throughout the day. But they also need to get rid of excess energy. The most natural way for them to do this is through hunting behavior. However, not all cats have a conspecific with whom they can work off their energy together. Moreover, this is no substitute for playing together with humans.
Cats want to lurk, catch and kill. If the animals cannot do this sufficiently, it can become unpleasant for humans. For example, if the cat instead chases the mouse pointer on the screen in the home office or fights with the owner’s typing hands.
Your Cat Is Unsettled When Your Home Office Routine Changes
Home office today – office tomorrow. Cats may become unsettled due to changes and unpredictable office hours. This is because animals love routine and fixed processes. They want to know exactly when something is going to happen – this provides security. If you don’t have fixed home office days, this can unsettle your pet. On the days when you are at home, the cat is particularly clingy and annoying – who knows if their human will be away all day tomorrow?
We Often Reinforce the Behavior Unconsciously
In addition, we as humans reinforce our cats’ behavior – consciously or unconsciously. If the cat meows loudly, we respond, perhaps by getting up to check if it’s hungry or quickly making a small paper ball out of a piece of paper to keep the animal occupied.
If the cat runs to the keyboard, we also acknowledge this by turning towards the animal. Even if we scold them, this can serve as a form of reinforcement for some cats – signaling that it’s time for activity.

Behavior explained Why does my cat meow while I’m talking?

Behavior explained Why cats like to lie on paper and other surfaces

Is it intentional or just a game? Why cats continuously throw things off the table
Is Your Cat a Distraction in the Home Office? Here’s What You Can Do
Although cats can be annoying in the home office, very few people want to banish their pets from the room. After all, the closeness and time we spend with our cats is a big plus when working from home. But how do you get your cat to snooze next to you while you get on with your work? Here are a few tips:
Play, Play, Play
Many cats are understimulated and use the time when their owners are at home to demand a game or provide action. It helps if you play with your cat before starting work. Just ten minutes can be sufficient for the cat to fully expend its energy. Afterwards, hide a few treats in the toy board or in the room. Most cats then calm down all by themselves.
Clear Structures
Cats love predictable events. It can, therefore, help to develop small rituals with your cat for home office days. Playing together before work can be one of them. You can also incorporate brief breaks for your cat during work hours, whether it’s tossing treats, enjoying a cuddle session, or engaging in a playful activity – tailored to your cat’s preferences.
Over time, fixed rituals will develop and the cat will know: I get attention, food or play at these times. This also means that it will demand this less in between. Patience is key, as cats are creatures of habit and typically take time to adjust to new routines.
All My Colleagues Are Familiar with the Sight of My Cat’s Rear
“My cat Remo loves it when I work from home. He usually notices shortly after getting up that my routine is different, and by half past seven at the latest, he’s sitting in the study room as if he can hardly wait for ‘us’ to finally start work.
He even recognizes the sounds my computer makes when a meeting starts. As soon as I log in, my colleagues are allowed to look at the cat’s bottom in my camera while he purrs for a cuddle. That’s why we’re currently working on having him display a bit more decorum. This is because when he chooses to sit on his blanket, he is rewarded with treats and affection from me.
After the morning conferences at the latest, it’s also bedtime for Remo so that I can continue working in peace. However, the lunch break is an exception. He wakes up at 1 p.m. on the dot and wants food. Often, my office cat will settle down again immediately afterward and sleep through to the end of the workday.”
Stay consistent
There should also be rules for cats in the home office. For example, the keyboard is off-limits. Or not playing with anything on the table. These rules should be enforced consistently. But not by scolding the animal loudly or chasing the cat out of the room. A calm yet decisive approach is most effective. If the cat wants to go to the keyboard, pick it up calmly but firmly and put it down from the table. It’s important to balance every “no” with a “yes” to avoid frustrating the cat.
Offer Alternatives
Instead of the keyboard or documents (“no”), the cat could lie on a comfortable blanket on or next to the desk (“yes”). Instead of playing with the pen or mouse pointer, you can put a valerian play cushion in your cat’s room, which is only available in the home office at certain times.
If you decide to lock your cat out of the room for certain appointments or meetings, you should practice this beforehand. The optimal approach is to transform the “lock-out” into a positive experience. Perhaps the treat mat in the kitchen could offer something especially appetizing for the animal at this time.
About the author: Dr. Saskia Schneider has a doctorate in biology. During her studies at the Free University of Berlin, she focused on zoology and animal behavior. In addition to training as an editor, she also trained as a behavioral consultant specializing in cats.