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Fans are surprised after the pregnancy announcement

Where have Laura Müller’s and Michael Wendler’s dogs gone?

Laura Müller and Michael Wendler are expecting child number two.
Laura Müller and Michael Wendler are expecting their second child. However, many are now puzzled about the whereabouts of their two dogs. Photo: picture alliance / dpa / Stefan Gregorowius

July 19, 2024, 5:58 am | Read time: 2 minutes

Michael Wendler and his wife, Laura Müller, are expecting their second child. The couple has announced this on Instagram. An announcement that pleases many of their fans and friends. But one topic seems to be of much greater interest to many on social media: What happened to their dogs?

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For most celebrities and influencers, it is a very special day when they announce to their fans that they are expecting a child. Not only do they take their followers on a journey full of anticipation, but they also share with them everything that is on their minds as expectant parents. Former pop star Michael Wendler and his wife, Laura Müller, are currently in this situation.

Laura Müller: ‘Our second joy is on its way’

With the words, “Our second joy is on its way. You are already infinitely loved”, the couple announced that they are expecting their second child. Underneath the picture, which shows Laura Müller and Michael Wendler hugging a teddy bear, many followers expressed their congratulations. However, there are also numerous questions about the whereabouts of their two dogs, Tiger and Smoke.1

It was only a few years ago that Wendler and Müller introduced the two Labrador puppies to their fans. They even had their own Instagram profile for the two dogs for a while. But things have gone quiet concerning their two four-legged friends. So quiet, in fact, that there are numerous posts with worried questions about the dogs’ whereabouts. The suppositions and fears of the fans are varied and sometimes intense.

More on the topic

‘Congratulations, but where are YOUR dogs?’

For example, one follower asks, “Congratulations, but where are YOUR dogs?” Her guess is that the dogs could have ended up in an animal shelter. “I’ve never taken in an animal and then given it back. You don’t do that … Something terrible has to happen to justify it (…) But you probably won’t say anything about that …”

Another person seems to have an even more gruesome suspicion. “What did you do with Smokey??? Did you abandon him???” The couple has not yet said anything about whether the Wendlers still have the two dogs with them in Cape Coral. PETBOOK has also not yet received a reply to an inquiry about the whereabouts of the two dogs.

This article is a machine translation of the original German version of PETBOOK and has been reviewed for accuracy and quality by a native speaker. For feedback, please contact us at

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