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How to determine the sex of rabbits

Two rabbits sit in an enclosure in the grass.
For several rabbits to live together peacefully, it is important to know the sex of the animals in advance. Photo: Getty Images

October 13, 2024, 10:20 am | Read time: 3 minutes

It is not always easy to determine the sex of rabbits straight away. PETBOOK reveals how you can do it and why sex determination is important.

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Determining the sex of rabbits often causes problems for rabbit owners. This often proves difficult, and untrained and inexperienced owners, in particular, often come to the wrong determination. This can lead to problems, especially when keeping several rabbits – which is always recommended.

Why is it important to determine the sex of rabbits?

Knowing the sex of rabbits is not only an advantage when it comes to giving them a suitable name. Knowing the sex is also important for the animals to live together harmoniously.

In general, rabbits should never be kept alone. When keeping two or more animals, it is important to determine the sex in order to prevent unwanted offspring or territorial fights. Unneutered animals should, therefore, be separated by sex at 12 weeks – i.e., after they reach sexual maturity. To prevent territorial fights, you should also avoid keeping two unneutered males together.

How sex determination works in rabbits

To determine the sex of your rabbit, it is important to take a close look at the sexual organs, which are located in the genital area between the rabbit’s hind legs.

The right grip

It is best to start by gently holding the rabbit in your arms. Turn it onto its back and place it on your lap. Now, lean the animal’s back against your own stomach and hold it in place by carefully grasping the rabbit’s chest with one hand to secure its front legs. With your second hand, you can now carefully pull the skin in the genital area upwards so that you can see the rabbit’s genitals better. As some animals like to squirm a little to escape the grip, it can be helpful to have a second person do this so that you can concentrate on restraining the rabbit. This is much less stressful for everyone and can prevent injuries to the animal and yourself.

Not always clear

But how can you correctly determine the sex of a rabbit? With both males and females, it is necessary to press gently on the genital area. This causes the genitals to protrude. It is also best to pull the skin in the genital area slightly downwards towards the tail. In the female rabbit – also known as a doe – the genitalia then protrudes above the anal opening. This is a slit-shaped opening. This extends over the completely protruding genitalia. However, many laypeople confuse this with a penis due to the protrusion.

In the male rabbit, the penis protrudes when the same pressure is applied. The testicles are located to the left and right of this. However, they may not be visible in young males, as they have not descended. The testicles are also not always visible, as male rabbits can retract them into their abdominal cavity when excited or stressed.

Determining the sex of a rabbit is not always easy, which is why you should always seek help from a specialist if you are unsure.

More on the topic

When can the sex be determined?

Rabbit experts can determine the sex of a newborn rabbit on the first day after birth. However, as this is rather stressful for the animals, early determination is not recommended. It is best to wait until the third or fourth week. It is often difficult to determine the sex of young rabbits in particular, as the sexual organs are not yet fully developed. Even experienced owners may find it difficult to determine the sex in these cases. It is, therefore, best to try again a few weeks later when the rabbits have grown a little.

This article is a machine translation of the original German version of PETBOOK and has been reviewed for accuracy and quality by a native speaker. For feedback, please contact us at

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