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dog behavior

Can dogs feel shame?

"He knows exactly what he's done." Can dogs feel shame? A biologist answers

With their looks, dogs can quickly give the impression that they are ashamed. But are the animals really capable of this feeling?
Two dogs are asleep on the couch.

Processing in sleep What do dogs dream about?

Dogs dream just like us humans. PETBOOK reveals how often our four-legged friends dream and whether we appear in them.
A Labrador looks up with sad eyes

Study proves Dogs can cry with joy

Researchers from Japan have discovered that dogs can actually cry with joy when they see their owners again.
Dogs like to smell our crotches – but this only indicates their interest in us

Behavior explained Why dogs like to smell our crotch

Dogs like to smell our crotch when greeting us. PETBOOK explains why this happens and what owners can do about it.
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