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Girl holding a dead bird in her hands

Native wild animals Why you so rarely see dead birds

Why is it so rare to see a dead bird? PETBOOK spoke to an expert and explains the reasons as well as how to protect them.
The Portuguese man o' war is one of the most dangerous animals in Europe

Attention vacationers! The most dangerous animals in Europe

In Europe, you may encounter many animals that are dangerous for humans and dogs (not only on summer vacation). PETBOOK introduces them.

Sloths are not ranked number 1 The 8 slowest animals in the world

There are true masters of deceleration in the animal world. PETBOOK presents the eight slowest and most leisurely animals.
Leatherback turtle dives

Reaching a depth of 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) Turtle sets a new diving record

Leatherback turtles are good swimmers and even better divers - one of them has even set a new diving record.
The "immortal jellyfish" Turritopsis nutricula

Constant regeneration 3 practically immortal animals

There are some animals which could be considered immortal. PETBOOK explains how these ingenious creatures renew themselves.
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